NAICS Code 541360 Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services, primary code.
Industry sectors
NAICS and SIC Codes for Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

NAICS SIC Codes for Hazardous Waste
Description of activities
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in gathering, interpreting, and mapping geophysical data. Establishments in this industry often specialize in locating and measuring the extent of subsurface resources, such as oil, gas, and minerals, but they may conduct surveys for engineering purposes. Establishments in this industry use a variety of surveying techniques depending on the purpose of the survey including magnetic surveys, gravity surveys, seismic surveys, or electrical and electromagnetic surveys. To find out more visit the home page. There are NAICS codes for other industries.
Cross references to alternate NAICS codes
Establishments primarily engaged in taking core samples, drilling test wells, or other mine development activities (except geophysical surveying and mapping) on a contract basis for others are classified in industry 21311, support activities for mining.
Industries serviced by NAICS 541360
Electrical geophysical surveying services
Electromagnetic geophysical surveying services
Geological surveying services
Geophysical mapping services
Gravity geophysical surveying services
Magnetic geophysical surveying services
Mapping services geophysical
Remote sensing geophysical surveying services
Seismic geophysical surveying services
Surveying services geophysical
NAICS Code 541330 Engineering Services, alternate profession.
Industry sector
NAICS and SIC Codes for Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

NAICS SIC Codes for Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services
Description of activities
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in applying physical laws and principles of engineering in the design, development, and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, structures, processes, and systems. The assignments undertaken by these establishments may involve any of the following activities: provision of advice, preparation of feasibility studies, preparation of preliminary and final plans and designs, provision of technical services during the construction or installation phase, inspection and evaluation of engineering projects, and related services.
Cross references to alternate NAICS codes
Establishments primarily engaged in planning and designing computer systems that integrate computer hardware, software, and communication technologies are classified in U.S. industry 541512 (computer systems design services). Performing surveying and mapping services of the surface of the earth, including the sea floor are classified in industry 541370 (surveying and mapping (except geophysical) services). Gathering, interpreting, and mapping geophysical data are classified in industry 541360 (geophysical surveying and mapping services).
Creating and developing designs and specifications that optimize the use, value, and appearance of products are classified in industry 541420 (industrial design services). Providing advice and assistance to others on environmental issues, such as the control of environmental contamination from pollutants, toxic substances, and hazardous materials are classified in industry 541620 (environmental consulting services). Both the design and construction of buildings, highways, and other structures or in managing construction projects are classified in sector 23 (construction, according to the type of project).
Industries serviced by NAICS 541330
Acoustical system engineering design services
Boat engineering design services
Chemical engineering services
Civil engineering services
Combustion engineering consulting services
Construction engineering services
Consulting engineers
Electrical engineering services
Engineering design services
Engineering services
Engineers’ offices
Engineers’ private practices
Environmental engineering services
Erosion control engineering services
Geological engineering services
Geophysical engineering services
Industrial engineering services
Logging engineering services
Marine engineering services
Mechanical engineering services
Mining engineering services
Petroleum engineering services
Traffic engineering consulting services
Summary of professional services that may search for geophysical services
NAICS 5 Digit Code

GPR for NAICS and SIC Codes in Geophysical Services and Mapping
54136 Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services
6-digit SIC Codes
• 871118 Engineers-geological
• 871119 Engineers-geotechnical
• 871120 Engineers-environmental
• 871130 Engineers-mining
• 871134 Engineers-water Supply
• 871142 Vibration Measurement Service
• 871168 Concrete Technologists
7 digit SIC Codes
• 8711023 Mining Engineers
• 8711037 Geological Engineers
• 8711038 Geotechnical Engineers
• 8711039 Environmental Engineers
• 8711047 Water Supply Engineers
• 8711053 Vibration Measurement Services
• 8711076 Concrete Technologists
Geophysical surveying and mapping services listed under other professions
While NAICS Code 541360 is the primary code for geophysical surveying and mapping services, other disciplines may look for geophysical services through lessor known SIC codes or NAICS Codes. NAICS Code 541360 Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services list the following services as part of this code: Aerial geophysical surveying services, Electrical geophysical surveying services, Electromagnetic geophysical surveying services, Geological surveying services, Geophysical mapping services, Geophysical surveying services, Gravity geophysical surveying services, Magnetic geophysical surveying services, Mapping services, geophysical, Radioactive geophysical surveying services, Remote sensing geophysical surveying services, Seismic geophysical surveying services, and Surveying services.
Summary of alternate NAICS and SIC codes
Mining, oil, and gas use these NAICS codes.
NAICS Code 213113 Support Activities for Coal Mining
NAICS Code 213114 Support Activities for Metal Mining
NAICS Code 213115 Support Activities for Nonmetallic Minerals (except Fuels) Mining
NAICS Code 213112 Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations
Though these codes are well defined, the wording is redundant. Consequently, the following informally reworded summary attempts to provide a general idea of how these codes are used.
Description of common activities
This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing support activities, on a fee or contract basis, a) NAICS Code 213113 for coal mining (Exploration for coal is included in this industry. Exploration includes traditional prospecting methods, such as taking core samples and making geological observations at prospective sites.) b) NAICS Code 213114 for the mining and quarrying of metallic minerals and for the extraction of metal ores, and c) NAICS Code 213115 for the mining and quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (except fuel) and for the extraction of nonmetallic minerals (except site preparation and related construction activities). Exploration for these minerals is included in this industry. Exploration (except geophysical surveying and mapping services) includes traditional prospecting methods, such as taking core samples and making geological observations at prospective sites.
Cross references to additional NAICS codes
Establishments primarily engaged in performing geophysical surveying and mapping services for metallic minerals, and for nonmetallic minerals on a contract or fee basis are classified in Industry 541360 (Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services). Operating coal mines or quarries on a contract or fee basis–are classified in Industry 21211, Coal Mining, based on the type of coal mined Operating metallic mineral mines or quarries on a contract or fee basis–are classified in Industry Group 2122, Metal Ore Mining, based on the type of ore mined. Operating nonmetallic mineral mines or quarries on a contract or fee basis–are classified in Industry Group 2123, Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying, based on the type of mineral mined or quarried; and Site preparation and related construction activities–are classified in Industry 238910, Site Preparation Contractors.
Industries serviced
Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
Industries included for all the codes
• Anthracite mining services (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities) on a contract basis
• Auger coal mining services (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities) on a contract basis
• Bituminous coal mining services (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities) on a contract basis
• Bituminous coal or lignite surface mine site development (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities) on a contract basis
• Bituminous coal stripping service on a contract basis
• Bituminous or lignite auger mining service on a contract basis
• Blasting services, coal mining, metal mining, and nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis
• Boring test holes, coal mining, metal mining, and nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis
• Coal mining services (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities)
• Coal mining support services (tunneling, blasting, training, overburden removal (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities)
• Culm bank recovery, anthracite and coal on a contract basis
• Culm bank recovery, coal, on a contract basis
• Draining or pumping of coal mining, metal mining, and nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis
• Drilling services for coal mining, metal mining, and nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis
• Exploration services for coal mining, metal mining, and nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis (except geophysical surveying and mapping)
• Lignite mining services (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities) on a contract basis
• Mine development for coal mining, metal mining, and nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities)
• Mine shaft sinking services for coal mining, metal mining, and nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis
• Mine tunneling services for coal mining, metal mining, and nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis
• Nonmetallic minerals mining support services (e.g., blasting, shaft sinking, tunneling) (except site preparation and related construction contractor activities)on a contract basis
• Overburden removal for coal mining, metal mining, and nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis
• Prospect and test drilling services for coal mining, metal mining, and nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis
• Pumping or draining coal mines, metal mines, and nonmetallic mineral mines (except fuel) on a contract basis
• Removal of overburden for coal mining, metal mining, and nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis
• Shaft sinking for coal mining, metal mining, and nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis
• Stripping overburden services for coal mining, metal mining, and nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis
• Test drilling for coal mining, metal mining, and nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis
• Tunneling services for coal mining, metal mining, and nonmetallic minerals mining (except fuels) on a contract basis
NAICS 5 Digit Code 54136 Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services
Alternate SIC codes for professions using geophysics
6-digit SIC
• 871118 Engineers-geological
• 871119 Engineers-geotechnical
• 871120 Engineers-environmental
• 871130 Engineers-mining
• 871134 Engineers-water Supply
• 871142 Vibration Measurement Service
• 871168 Concrete Technologists
7 digit SIC
• 8711023 Mining Engineers
• 8711037 Geological Engineers
• 8711038 Geotechnical Engineers
• 8711039 Environmental Engineers
• 8711047 Water Supply Engineers
• 8711053 Vibration Measurement Services
• 8711076 Concrete Technologists